February 18, 2025


By: Tawo

As of 2023, social media is a dominant way to reach people and create new ideas and collaborate with people online. It is also a great way to support causes. There are millions of users online and there are multiple opportunities for people to post about their cause and have engage with it. There are countless benefits to knowing how to support someone’s cause through social media platforms. In this blog I’ll go these benefits like how it can connect people, make them feel self-empowered, create an impact on the online environment and people’s lives.

1. Choose a cause

This sounds like an obvious but listen real quick! If you want to be able to support a cause using social media you have to have one in mind. Try to pick a cause that aligns with your personal values or something you care about. It could be animal health, environmental preservation projects, or diversity and inclusion efforts! Once you have the cause your wanting to support you’ll be able to better understand why and who your doing it for. This will help get your message out and work with other online users who have the same message and interests in order to support.

2. Intensify voice:

Increasing voice is the next step! A huge advantage to social media is the opportunity for people to a heighten and or intensify their voices. Businesses, individuals, and groups can have their voices heard on social which otherwise might go unheard in-person. This is a benefit when it comes to supporting people’s causes. Sometimes finding a cause is easy or it’s hard, so when you find one easily it means others probably have too. If it’s harder to find that more than likely means less people have come across it. Leaving the door open to increase support for the cause through means of visuals, shout-outs, large messaging, and more! Social media just allowing several voices can lead to many causes being supported whether it’s donations, fundraising for national disaster cases, etc.

3. Use Hashtags and Trends:

When hashtags and trends are used it’s the most effective way these days to crack the online algorithm and go viral! Maybe not even viral it could reach a small audience that can connect to greater audiences. Either way it’s important to tag topics that relate to the cause your supporting. It could be as simple as #savetrees or #mentalhealth, these are some examples that can reach a number of people who follow the hashtag and have viewed or use the same ones on their posts. This is where people can connect on similar ideas and work together to spread word. This can even reach donors who can miraculously change an individual or organizations cause!

4. Work Together and Connect

I mentioned this briefly in number 2, but working with people is crucial in supporting a cause on social media. These people are going to have similar goals and reasons for supporting just like you. Building these connections can reach to much stronger ones in the future. These connections will have a huge positive impact in the end. The reach could even expand to influencers, celebrities, and other strong online users that can level-up the cause. Some ways to reach these people are using step three by mentioning them in posts by tagging them or even messaging them! By reaching these people also allows you to reach their fans and other networks of people and it can grow following and support from there.

5. Stay fluid

Lastly, make sure to stay on top of your cause and support them. It can be very easy to slip and sometimes be challenging. Try not to get deterred and stay up to date with content, pages, and people’s comments. These are great ways to stay engaged and learn more news and insights. This will be the best way for you to keep-up in with progress and benefit the process further. Even reposting and re-sharing news and spreading it through comment sections or posting can increase consistency with the cause.

Final points:

Using everything mentioned throughout this blog can help you support a cause using social media. There are so many platforms to explore and support people in their journey’s or even starting your own! There is Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc, all provide a way to create groups, connect and socialize, and donate all through a click of a button. Every single hashtag, mention, share, or post, has a chance to explode! Doing it for a cause gives people even more incentive to follow and make a cause trend! I hope you enjoyed this post and make sure to go follow my LinkedIn account to see more blog posts just like this!


  1. I really like this idea as supporting causes and raising awareness for things is so accessible now through social media. I think that this is a really positive aspect of it as well.

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