February 18, 2025

a conversation with bailey mcmahon – a woman living my dreams

by: Audrey Tamayo

Bailey McMahon was born and raised in San Diego, California. She attended the University of Oregon from 2017-to 2021 and is now living in New York City. Bailey has always been one of the most inspiring people to me. In college, she found herself confused, like the average 18-year-old who is thrown into a new environment is. Despite the challenges, she figured it out.

Bailey McMahon:

Age: 22

Sign: Pisces

Location: New York City, New York

I met Bailey in 2020 and instantly knew she was one of the most compelling people. She was ambitious, funny and magnetic. When I would look at Bailey, I knew she was going to be someone I can look up to.

Bailey is now an account coordinator at AZIONE PR. She interned for them in college and two days after graduation she started working for them full-time. Bailey has always been intriguing to me because of the lifestyle she lives. She is always dressed to impress and living her dream life to the fullest potential.

I asked Bailey what her college experience was like. She told me she originally began at the UO as a business major. So what changed? One film course. Bailey has always had a passion for writing and suddenly it seemed like journalism was her perfect match. However, Bailey went through college when the world around her seemed like it was falling apart. She recalled her first two years of school as ‘normal’. She was trying to figure out how to be an adult and taking school one day at a time. Then the pandemic hit. She went back home to Southern California and said ‘it no longer felt like college’. She was away from her best friends and her new environment that she had learned to love. She felt lost.

This feeling is exactly what led Bailey to AZIONE. She began her internship in August 2020 when they reached out and wanted an interview. She ended up interning Monday through Thursday and working full-time on top of online classes. She immediately fell in love with AZIONE and was writing pitches, making lists and she knew PR was what she wanted to pursue.

I asked Bailey what her favorite thing about her job is. She talked to me about the people. She is constantly surrounded by creative thinkers and determined people who inspire her every day. Her mind is consistently blown by her co-worker’s thoughts and ideas and she said that it helps her be inspired and creative.

Lastly, I asked Bailey what advice she would give an undergrad. She said the most perfect thing and something that I really needed to hear. Take your time. Jobs are always available and people will always be hiring. She also said to only worry about yourself. In college there is this constant pressure to be the best and compete with everyone, but that is just unnecessary. Don’t compare yourself to anyone and ‘your path is your own’. 

Lastly, I asked Bailey what advice she would give an undergrad. She said the most perfect thing and something that I really needed to hear. Take your time. Jobs are always available and people will always be hiring. She also said to only worry about yourself. In college there is this constant pressure to be the best and compete with everyone, but that is just unnecessary. Don’t compare yourself to anyone and ‘your path is your own’. 

Thank you so much Bailey for taking the time to talk with me and giving me some of the most reassuring advice I have ever received. If you are interested in learning more about Bailey or want to reach out she has given me her instagram account: @bailey_mcmahon!

My information:

Twitter: @auddgge

Instagram: @audreyt21

Linked In: Audrey Tamayo

Facebook: Audrey Tamayo

4 thoughts on “a conversation with bailey mcmahon – a woman living my dreams

  1. Hi Audrey! I really liked that you did a post about a UO alum. It’s cool to see how people move forward after college because that can be such a scary thought. Great post!

  2. Hi Audrey! I really enjoyed the authenticity resembled in your blog post. It was helpful to read about a UO alums experience post-grad entering the workforce despite the uncertainty during the pandemic. As a rising senior, this post inspired me to ‘take my time’ in my undergrad by pursuing the things I enjoy instead of simply competing with everyone else. At times, I feel the constant pressures of attempting to stand out apart of other students; however, it’s reassuring to know that everything will work out how it’s suppose to. Thank you for sharing!

  3. I really enjoyed reading about the experience of someone who graduated from the University of Oregon in the SOJC. Especially to hear and see what she did with her degree and what she plans for herself in the future. I also really appreciate the advice that she would give to herself as a undergrad, especially as someone who has been stressed about finding a job after college that I want to do. It was a very unique way to learn about taking the time to figure out your future with information from someone who has been in our shoes.

  4. Oh my god, such a lovely post! I feel so happy for you about meeting the right person at the right time! Please keep in touch with her, I wish you a good future!

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