February 22, 2025

The Rise of Chinese Media Platform

By: Zhiheng Li

TikTok is a new social media platform with full of short videos. It’s someway like Snapchat, but not exactly the same. TikTok first launched in China in September 2016. In China, it called Douyin. One year later it was introduced to the overseas store and be known as TikTok. In the past year, TikTok became one of the most downloaded apps in the United States market. It is used as a prime way for marketers to aim their brands at the younger generation with the help of social media management sites like sidesmedia.com, in order to grow their reach.

Make Every Second Count


TikTok ran by ByteDance. By the end of 2018, it has launched in 75 languages and more than 150 markets in either App Store or Google Play. Being a huge social media influencer, Tiktok (Douyin) has more than 500 million users, and it surpassed all other apps such as Facebook, YouTube, Instagram to become the most downloaded iOS app in October 2018.

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In TikTok, any user can publish a 15-second-video in the beginning. Most famous accounts which have thousands, even millions of followers are posting funny videos.


However, in Chinese Douyin, the influencer effect has spread a lot. There are certain percent famous accounts become an influencer to the audience. Some have sponsors, some are introducing their own for a commercial reason. There is no doubt that this social media platform has a huge potential for making profits, which is why it might be worth learning How To Use TikTok For Your Business. If your business becomes TikTok famous, your sales could triple overnight. TikTok is the place to be!

A tattoo artist’s self-own account for showing his work and sell manuscripts.
A self-media account who introducing beer related information and knowledge and also has a platform called “NBeer” for selling beers.

I watch Douyin around 1 to 2 hours daily. There are so many randon topic videos can appear on the main page. In addition to this, all the videos will interest you due to your searching and watching habbits. Is that crazy? Sometimes people cannot stop watching it for hours. Videos which might interest you will pop-up continuously. Since TikTok (Douyin) has a such huge users and its influencer effect gradually expanding out right now, transparency and authenticity become much more important.

Instagram: @xdxexvxixl

Twitter: @ZhihengLi96

Website: http://thisiszhihengli.com

Wechat: lzh_1015

E-mail: [email protected]

References: “How Douyin became the most popular app in the world”

“TikTok surges past 6M downloads in the US as celebrities join the app”

“How Douyin became China’s top short-video App in 500 days”

“TikTok, a Chinese Video App, Brings Fun Back to Social Media”

8 thoughts on “The Rise of Chinese Media Platform

  1. Hi Zhiheng,

    What an interesting application. I’ve heard about TikTok (Douyin) in the past, but never downloaded it or really ever understood what it was. That is very fascinating that it surpassed other “big-name” applications in downloads last year. I am curious how it will continue to grow over time and what other popular applications will come about. The profile design reminds me of Instagram’s. Like you mentioned, it will also be interesting to see how the “influencer” dynamic will play out. Thank you for sharing.

  2. TikTok may always be one of those viral apps that I will never quite understand (similarly to Vine). I am obviously not the target market but I frequently see ads for it on Facebook. The comments often ridicule the app. I assume that there is not a lot of crossover between TikTok and Facebook audiences. The rapid adoption of the app in both the U.S. and China markets is very interesting. It leaves me wondering how other companies can replicate this process and learn from the success of this app. I will be very interested to see the evolution of the app and its users over the years.

  3. As Zhiheng mentioned, Tiktok has already became one of the most popular social media platforms, and keeps expanding its influence in global markets. There is no doubt Tiktok is a phenomenal online social media, and it generates variety of fancy featured concepts to attract young generation users. It combines short instant video with popular music, and conveys positive attitudes from current young people. Although I am not using Tiktok at all, but I was really interested about how it succeed. I know there are many college students around me spend over one or two hours on Tiktok per day, and some users can even make money from their followers. I have to admit this is the era of social media, anything is possible online nowadays.

  4. I was always fascinated with the rise of the app TikTok because to me, it came out of nowhere. All of a sudden, I would see a lot of advertisements on my Snapchat about this new app that seem like a mix of Vine and Snapchat. It’s interesting to me that it’s surpassed apps like YouTube, Instagram and Facebook on the App Store downloads. TikTok also seems to have been taking over a lot of social media outlets. My Twitter feed is full of TikTok videos some days and now I guess I understand why I see it everywhere.

  5. Hi Zhiheng, I have been wondering where TikTok came from as I started to see numerous TikTok vidoes on my Twitter timeline. It’s truly fascinating how the TikTok app has done so well translating over from China to the United States. It seems like TikTok is here to stay is I see it constantly on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

  6. TikTok seems to be a video platform modeled after Instagram and I’m only shocked it has taken this long! As long as the UI is smooth on multiple operating systems and spends more time in design states than major update stages, I can see it gaining further in popularity.

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