October 22, 2024

Social Media Burnout: How To Avoid It

Dallas Withrow

Social media never sleeps. People are constantly posting, liking, commenting and reposting. Something new is always happening. Working in social media can be exhausting. From negative feedback and criticism, being on a screen eight hours a day, feeling the pressure to create perfect aesthetic content, planning ahead of the trends while staying present, you can quickly start to feel the monotonous repetition. Social media can take a toll. With such a high turnover rate, how can we prevent the dreaded burnout? 

Find the right job:

Finding the right company when working as a social media manager is vital. A company that aligns with your values and morals is crucial for avoiding burnout. Creating and promoting content you don’t agree with will make you miserable. It is important to find a company that is growing or willing to grow. Working for a company that lacks growth can have you stuck in a creative rut. Creating and posting the same content is repetitive and monotonous. This is a recipe for a burnout disaster. It is important that your vision and creative focus align with theirs. Some companies know or at least have an idea of what they want their platforms to look like. Making sure you can create content that reflects their aesthetic and goals is essential to avoiding burnout.

Set Boundaries: 

Social media is on a 24/7 schedule. It never sleeps. Unlike traditional 9-5 jobs, roles in social media often blur the lines between work hours and personal time. Establishing dedicated times for social media can help create healthy boundaries. Utilizing features such as screen time limits and app blockers can effectively reinforce these boundaries. Setting dedicated work hours is also very important. Because social media requires real time attention, it is important to try and stick to dedicated hours. Using tools such as hootsuite and other planning tools will help you plan posts ahead so you aren’t having to post in real time. Finding other tools that will allow you to spend less time on the screen is a great way to set boundaries.

Be Mindful & Practice Self Care:

Social media is never ending. It can suck you in and never let you back out. It is okay to take time off. Protecting your personal well-being is crucial for enjoying a career in the social media industry.  Unplugging from work is important for every job. Being stuck to a screen for multiple hours a day simply isn’t good for you. Being mindful of yourself and being intune with what you need to succeed is important. Utilize time off and allow yourself to completely disconnect. This will help you to reset and avoid burnout. Taking advantage of the benefits your company offers is vital. It is important to realize when you are getting to a point of burnout and addressing it before it’s too late.

All in all it is important to take care of yourself. Listen to your body and mind. Having a supportive employer that allows you to grow and create it is vital to avoiding burnout. Remember, this is a job! Your job shouldn’t feel like work, it should be enjoyable. Take time for yourself to reset and recharge. Social media is demanding. It can take a toll. Don’t let the pressure turn into something as big as burnout. You’ve got this!

8 thoughts on “Social Media Burnout: How To Avoid It

  1. Hi Dallas! I really enjoyed reading your blog; I found it super helpful, as most of us will be entering the workforce soon. I love that you touched on finding a job that aligns with your values. It is super underrated but extremely important to work somewhere you align with and not push away your core beliefs.

  2. Hi Dallas, awesome blog post. I agree that social media can take a toll on people, but it is important to avoid getting burned out. I hope to be employed with a job I desire, as do most people. The tips provided should help those in the social media industry to ensure no burnout takes place!

  3. Dallas, thanks for this post! Being in PR (and taking this SSM class) means there is constantly so much social media in my life on top of my daily scrolling, and it can be overwhelming. Social media is the key to modern success in many ways, but going into the future of social media can be scary when I see how it affects my own day-to-day life. I agree that we all have to take care of ourselves outside of the screen to be successful mentally and professionally.

  4. Hi Dallas, I enjoyed your blog post and thought it was very insightful. I have had a few social media manager/coordinator roles, including one I have currently, and sometimes it can really take it out of me. It’s hard to sometimes distinguish burnout between just feeling tired from a long day, but this definitely brought some of the burnout I’ve been feeling to light. I will keep these strategies in mind for the future!

  5. Hi! This article immediately drew my attention because social media burnout is such a relevant issue in today’s society, specifically for Gen Z. I appreciated your tips, especially where you stress the importance of choosing a job that aligns with health in terms of social media usage. As we collectively enter the PR world, it’s safe to say social media will impact our careers in one way or another, but strategically choosing something that works for our boundaries is so crucial. Thanks for your insights!

  6. Hi Dallas! I really appreciate that you chose to write about this topic. As someone who does a lot of social media managing for work, I find myself getting burnt out and tired a lot with social media as a whole. My own personal accounts don’t really get much attention because I feel like I’m just doing more work. So I really like that you highlighted setting boundaries, which is hard because social media is 24/7 but still important to have because it shouldn’t be taking up your whole life. Overall, a great post for those looking to go into the field!

  7. Hi Dallas! I really like this piece and how it forcing on maintaining good mental health while using social media. As someone who frequently gets locked into TikTok holes, reminding myself to step away an be present is so important. Social media as a tool is beneficial, but too much of it can lead to serious mental health decline. Great work bringing this side of social media to the forefront, as it is not talked about enough.

  8. Hi Dallas, this was such a good post for everyone at this time in social media. I feel like burnout at home is also something you can feel from using social media. Since we are always on it, social media runs out lives and can make us burnout just like any other job. Overall, I really liked this post and found it really helpful.

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