March 9, 2025

Seamless Transition?: Print to Online Presence

By: Isabella Barba

Many traditional print organizations have taken on an online presence in an effort to adapt. Establishing an online presence allows print organizations to distribute their content through multiple channels. They can repurpose or repackage print content for digital consumption, reaching a broader audience across various platforms such as websites, social media, newsletters, and mobile apps. However, this transition could be challenging as they are met with a new and different audience online. Not all that works well in print can translate to a digital audience and vice versa. 

Some suggestions I’d make to a traditional print magazine that is considering increasing their online social media presence goes as follows;

  1. Create engaging content. This is arguably the most important tip. Your existing audience is excited to see an organization they follow on a new digital platform and want to engage with your content. In addition, focusing on engagement expands your reach as you’re likely to increase shares with such content. You want to focus on showcasing the unique aspects of your magazine. This can include behind-the-scenes footage, interviews with featured personalities, sneak peeks of upcoming issues, or visually appealing shots of your magazine spreads.
  2. Have a brand voice. Social media is the perfect place to really feature your magazine’s  personality. It helps differentiate the publication, establishes a connection with the audience, ensures consistency, and brand recognition.
  3. Stay consistent. Regularly post new content, engage with your audience, and stay up to date with the latest trends. This is very important in managing the magazine’s reputation and keeping up with competitors. Utilize a social media calendar to avoid long gaps between posts and to  ensure that your content is distributed evenly throughout the week or month.You can align your social media efforts with your overall marketing objectives,  new issues, or industry events.

There are many ways to go about building an online presence. Keeping your audience center to the goal is the most successful approach. Establishing an online presence enables traditional print organizations to reach a wider audience, adapt to changing consumer habits, and stay competitive.

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5 thoughts on “Seamless Transition?: Print to Online Presence

  1. Hi Isabella,
    I agree with your recommendations for companies to stay relevant when they transition to online content. One thing that stood out to me was authenticity. While many brand had made the online transition, and many continue to do so, the amount of noise is getting harder and harder to break through. One way companies can separate themselves is by creating unique content. This makes me think of the Wendy’s Twitter account and how they have destinictified their brand based on creating a certain tone to their posts. Thank you for sharing your post it was very interesting.

  2. Hey Isabella!

    I love that you wrote about such a prevalent topic. The fact that most print publications are switching to strictly digital content is HUGE! and I don’t think enough people understand the impact that shift has. It is so hard to translate something so tangible as a Cosmo magazine to just an online URL. A huge part of girlhood for me was flipping through pop-culture hallmark publications like Teen Vogue, Cosmopolitan and People. I’m sorry, but nothing will match the experience of flipping through a magazine in bed. I love how you talked about the importance of engaging content. That’s what makes a brand stand out—making the audience feel like they have a part in the conversation. Great piece Isabella!

  3. Hi Bella,
    I think this is a super interesting article. I think all your suggestions were great suggestions about how to stay relevant online. I think maintaining your audience is the biggest factor to success which is why engagement is so important. I’ve worked with a client who is strictly print based so I think these are great suggestions I could give to them if they wanted to enhance their online presence.

  4. Hi, I really like the tips that you laid out here and especially the focus on brand voice. I think that this is something that is so important when building an online presence because audiences want to still feel connected to a brand they have loved even though it’s over a screen.

  5. Hi Bella,

    I think one thing that is really important for brands that they consistently forget is just that, consistency. It is extremely important to maintain brand consistency because that is what your brand is, so I think it was good how you emphasized that.

    Great post!

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