By Paige DeMarco
If you’re not using Pinterest, you’re missing out! With apps such as Instagram and Tik Tok taking over the social media universe, an amazing platform often flies under the radar: Pinterest. Pinterest is a unique app where users can share/save images in the form of “pinboards.” From amazing recipes to unique outfit ideas, Pinterest is an excellent tool for creating a digital collage of pictures. So how can you get the most out of Pinterest? Here are 5 simple tips on creating your perfect mood board.
1. Pick a theme
First, you want to pick a theme and title for your board. Common themes on Pinterest include hair and clothing inspiration, recipes, travel locations, interior design, seasonal activities, and photoshoot ideas. However, the option is totally up to you! I even have an entire board called “Mini!!!” dedicated to a specific artist (Tatsuya Tanaka) just because I think the photos are really creative and funny.
2. Organize Sections (optional)
One helpful feature when creating a mood board is the option to create boards within boards. For example, if you’re making a board for recipes, you can create sub-boards such as breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks. All you have to do is click the organize button at the top of the page, and then you have the ability to group pins into different sections.
3. Explore the “more ideas” option
Another feature I use frequently is the “more ideas” button. This option gives you more photos similar to the ones you have already saved. With each photo you add, Pinterest’s algorithm will present more images curated to your taste, so the more time spent on it, the more unique to you!
4. Add notes
A new feature on Pinterest is the ability to add notes to your board. It looks very similar to the Apple Notes app and also has the option to add checklists. In addition, you can select photos from your board and add them to the notes. There are many ways to use this feature, but one example I would use is to make a summer checklist and insert photos related to each activity.
5. Search for your favorite influencers
Finally, I often turn to my favorite influencers when I can’t think of any ideas. Most of the Instagram/Tik Tokers I follow will have a link to their Pinterest in their bio. It’s usually a platform they don’t use as often as the others, but it’s fun to see where their creativity comes from. For example, I follow Emma Chamberlain on Pinterest and often look at her clothing board for outfit inspiration.

Overall, Pinterest is a great platform to inspire and organize your ideas! I hope these tips helped you in making your next mood board!
My LinkedIn: Paige DeMarco
Hi Paige!
I love how simple and to the point this blog post is! I want to start using Pinterest more, and this is something I would come back to when I start making boards!
Paige, I loved reading this post! I am an avid user of Pinterest and I totally agree with your argument. It is an awesome app that allows you to show your personality and have so much self expression without the fear of judgement or criticism. It is a great way to help organize ideas, mood boards, outfit inspo, and more! I also think that your blog post was written super well and is very informative! Good job!
Paige, I love this post! I think that Pinterest is such a great and overlooked app. It is great for planning, outlining, and creating mood boards! I love going on Pinterest when I have a big creative project, because I think that mood boards really help for inspiration. I think that your blog is really well written and super informative! Good job, Paige!
Hi Paige! I really like how you chose to focus on Pinterst in this post because I feel it is an app often left out of social media conversations. Personally, Pinterest is one of my favorite social media platforms because it provides a source of inspiration without the need for social comparison. Mood boards are an important part of the creative process and can be a useful tool for brands or influencers envisioning a campaign. Your post provides great tips for getting started. I also appreciate the board within a board feature for optimal organization!
Hey Paige!
I loved reading your post about how to create a mood board! I used to spend a lot of time on Pinterest when I was little, but not so much anymore. Your post made me want to get back into it and make a mood board. Pinterest is a very low-key social media platform where there are no expectations which is really nice. I feel like everyone can benefit from Pinterest because you can really express yourself without having the pressure of having to create the perfect post. Great post!
Hi, Paige!
I too love Emma Chamberlain and look to her for inspiration with anything and everything, ranging from coffee to fashion. I love the way her style has evolved over the years and how far she’s come. To the point of Mood Boards, I think it’s fascinating to be able to express yourself in such a unique and creative way. Pinterest is one of my favorite pastimes. I’m happy to have found someone that feels the same way! Great job.
Hi Paige!
I loved this post because I am such a Pinterest board lover. I constantly still find myself going on Pinterest for hair, makeup, and style inspiration daily. I love the platform, I would honestly go as far as to say it is my favorite social media platform. I love the way it allows you to completely build a vision of whatever the topic may be and add whatever vibe you’re trying to go for to create something awesome you can look back on for inspiration. This was so fun to read.
I loved this post because for me Pinterest is definitely my favorite social media platform. I think it feels very much like a creative outlet that can be well-organized. I like how you discussed that you can really single out themes that you are interested in and hone in on those.
Hi Paige!
I really enjoyed this article. Pinterest is my favorite social media app. I get most of my outfit inspiration and even makeup and hair looks from here. Prior to Pinterest, I would cut clips out of magazines for a mood board but Pinterest makes it so much easier to have all your creative inspo in one place. I have also heard that Pinterest is the most positive social media platform and I agree.
Hi Paige! I loved how simple and direct your blog was. I am a big mood board person and they way you described is the way I like to do things aswell.
Hi Paige! Your post is a great how-to into how to use Pinterest to its fullest. I didn’t recognize that we could add notes now. Pinterest is my favorite platform to wind down on and I think adding notes after organization will be my digital melatonin. Thanks!
Paige, this blog post was so interesting and I loved learning about mood boards. Pinterest is one of my favorite apps and had no idea you could make notes.