March 7, 2025

The In Crowd

By: Erich Aguillon


  1. 72% of consumers who did a local search visited a store within five miles
  2. Local searches lead 50% of mobile visitors to visits stores within one day
  3. 72% of adult internet users use Facebook
  4. Facebook posts with images see 2.3x more engagement than those without images
  5. On Instagram, photos showing faces get 38% more Likes than photos not showing faces.
  6. 28% of adult internet users use Instagram
  7. 59% of Instagram users are on the platform daily, including 35% who visit several times a day
  8. 71% of Pinterest’s users are women
  9. 52% of Snapchat users are under the age of 25. (Statista, 2016) 30% of U.S. millennial internet users use Snapchat regularly
  10. 30% of U.S. millennial internet users use Snapchat regularly

What do these stats show? It gives a portrait of consumers which can be used to shape a marketing strategy. It also shows marketing is becoming more of a science than an art and this science is inbound marketing. Going to will provide you with all you need to know about this extremely important “science”. Although it may see an old and tried marketing practice, it is fairly recent with the advent of the internet and social media. HubSpot CEO Brian Halligan coined the phrase in his book “Inbound Marketing: Get Found in Google, Blogs, and Social Media” in 2009. A company practices Inbound marketing by studying the consumer landscape and figuring out how to “get found” by those who are already shopping in their industry. It is the new way for businesses to connect to the consumer.

You do not need to have a doctorate in computational mathematics to figure out how to calculate this data. Google analytics gives you all the information you need to make knowledgeable marketing decisions in an easily digestible format. The trick is using this data correctly to create social media campaigns to the targeted audiences you are trying to reach. As Jonathan Michael from Palo Alto Software said, “learn what language people are using.”


Twitter: @hashtagEA

Instagram: @sneaky_pix


10 thoughts on “The In Crowd

  1. Hi Erich, I really enjoyed your post. I think the stats you used highlight the striking levels of millennials that use social media platforms. Understanding these stats when developing marketing strategy is extremely important because it can help you identify how to best reach your target audience. Reading your post reminded me that I really want to be certified in google analytics because of its ability to interpret data in a straight-forward and user-friendly way.

  2. Hi Erich, I really enjoyed your post. I think the stats you used highlight the striking levels of millennials that use social media platforms. Understanding these stats when developing marketing strategy is extremely important because it can help you identify how to best reach your target audience. Reading your post reminded me that I really want to be certified in google analytics because of its ability to interpret data in a straight-forward and user-friendly way.

  3. Hi Erich,
    Thanks for the great post! I recently worked for an individual who not only did not like putting money in the company’s marketing budget but also didn’t really buy into the idea of “sustainability”, which both were the focus of my function. By gathering data, statistics, KPIs, and ROI, I was able to make the business case. Some people are more numbers oriented, especially CEOS, so pitching marketing as a science instead of an art can sometimes be beneficial =)

  4. Great post Erich! I really love Google Analytics because it is so easy to use and to find such helpful information! Right from the beginning I really enjoyed the stats because 1. it isn’t every day that a blog is putting stats in front of you (the change up is nice!) and 2. the stats really put into perspective how much people are using social media to influence them. It is important for businesses to distinguish themselves on social media to gain more attention and profit (hopefully!).

  5. I enjoyed reading your post! The statistics you provided were interesting and it was fascinating to see how many millennials use social media platforms. Google Analytics is a very important tool to creating a successful social media campaign. I like how you listed several different statistics showing how beneficial collecting data can be.

  6. I think you brought up a lot of interesting points. Whether you are a consumer or a company, it’s easy to forget the importance of data and how it can greatly affect your engagement. Not only do these stats create a tailored consumer outline for a market strategy, it also helps a company understand their audience even better. The best way to be successful is to put your consumers first. Without a trustworthy bridge between your company and the consumer, you do not really have a company. Marketing and creating a powerful and successful social media plan has so much more to do with the psychological and behavioral aspects of the consumer than anything else. What people do and think have more control over a company than any other factors. Consumers are the rulers of any company.

  7. Cool post Erich, love the stats. Traditional media is shifting and the amount of data we’re receiving is overwhelming. How do we use this data without losing our creativity and intuition? I think it’s the way you interpret the data and use the tools you’re given, like Google Analytics.

  8. Erich, I love that you started your blog post out with some facts. These are all things that are easy to speculate on but I enjoyed seeing how these stats actually breakdown numerically. We have discussed a few of these topics in class this term (like attaching pictures to posts to increase engagement, etc.) so I liked that you were able to include some more similar fun facts! Learning Google analytics was one of the most beneficial topics we discussed in class in my opinion so I appreciated your comment about its ability to make life easier. Thanks for sharing!

  9. Hey Erich! Great post! I thought that there were a lot of significant points that you highlighted especially regarding millennials and their prominence on social media in this day and age. Google Analytics can be such a great tool if utilized correctly and I thought you did a great job at defining the key concepts on it.

  10. Great post Erich! I felt the insights from Hubspot was an intriguing start to the post and it made me feel like I needed to keep reading to understand why you started with those stats. You made understanding how traditional marketing is shifting into the new age of technology and social media more comprehendible within a short two paragraphs. This is helpful because like Kelli stated a lot during the course, no one wants to read for length. Keeping it short and to the point made this piece truly insightful.

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