March 9, 2025

How Companies are Using AI for Advertising and How Businesses Can Do The Same

By Bella Kleiner, LinkedIn

With the rise and quickening advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AI), there are many businesses using AI to create campaigns. Companies like Coca Cola, and Nike have all used AI to successfully create  innovative ads and campaigns that directly target its key audiences. Since AI has advanced, it has helped support and solve problems and create ideas that businesses can utilize without wasting time and money. But what works and what doesn’t?

Coca-Cola, “Masterpiece”

Coca-Cola has been a prominent presence in the marketing industry since its first advertisement appeared in a newspaper in 1896. In March 2024, Coca Cola introduced a new ad called “Masterpiece.” This advertisement takes viewers on a journey through renowned paintings and sculptures, seamlessly integrating a Coca-Cola bottle into each piece of art. This advertising effort was significant for Coca-Cola as it reshaped the brand’s identity. “South African artist Wonderbuhle expressed that when thinking of Coca-Cola now, the words “joy and coolness” come to mind.” This advertising effort marked a big moment for Coca-Cola as it reshaped the brand’s identity.

Nike, “Never Done Evolving”

As we can all probably agree, change is constant in our lives. Nike has always stayed at the forefront of change. As Nike celebrated its 50th anniversary, Nike showcased Serena Williams and how her game has evolved overtime. “Never Done Evolving” took viewers through Serena Williams’ journey through her tennis career. Nike partnered with AKQA to create this innovative campaign that featured a simulated match between two versions of Serena. This showcased a continuous stream of 130,000 games and 5,000 matches, when played together a year long. This simulation wasn’t just to showcase Serena’s incredible achievements but also to inspire its audience to “never stop evolving.” “Never Done Evolving” not only broke Nike’s view records but also created an inspirational ad for its viewers. It was made to embrace change and tied Nike to be a symbol of empowerment. 

Ways to Use AI for Businesses 

  1. Learn the AI algorithm 

Just like learning who and what your target audience is, before being able to take full advantage of AI, they need to learn what the AI algorithm is. 

  1. Use A/B testing and data from previous advertisements to see where your business can flourish. 

Before being able to successfully use AI, you need to understand what your target audience responds to and engages with. 

  1. Try different AI tools for creative purposes

Many AI softwares are still in development, do some trial and error and find the right one for your needs.


3 thoughts on “How Companies are Using AI for Advertising and How Businesses Can Do The Same

  1. While having businesses leverage AI for advertising by learning algorithms, utilizing testing and past data would improve the understanding in how to utilize AI wouldn’t it also pose as a greater threat to limiting specific business and advertising jobs for people.

  2. Hi Bella!
    I think your post has really good insight into the current and potential future of AI in the communications industry specifically. I’m not involved in ad much, but something I have heard is that it’s incredibly competitive. I wonder what this means for the future of those seeking a career in advertising/those who already have a career in the field?

  3. Hi Bella! I thought this post was so interesting because it tackled such a complex topic. I think current students get overwhelmed when approaching AI as there are so many unknowns about how it will transform the workplace during our careers. By explaining a few campaigns that were human made, but AI assisted, I felt a bit more at ease about the concept. I hah previously seen the Nike ad, but never knew that is how they made the match scenes. I think the collaboration between humans and AI will be an interesting area to navigate in our future, but hopefully it resembles projects such as this one.

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