January 31, 2025

The Art of Pinterest Vision Boards

By Emily Daniels

While Pinterest might not be the first social media platform that people turn to for connecting with friends or building a platform, I think that it actually has a lot of benefits, and is genuinely one of my favorites. On Pinterest, the pressure to produce content or the worries about feeling judged by followers is almost non-existent. The organization aspect of the app having it based around creating separate boards based on whatever ideas you have, make it a creative way to categorize your life and thoughts.

For many users, creating vision boards on Pinterest has become a creative way to lay out goals and dreams for the new year or even for a new month or phase of life. Being able to add photos that aren’t your own to your boards makes the possibilities endless, and really allows you to get very specific in what you add. Personally, I have made a Pinterest board for each new year and I add specific photos of jobs I want to have, places I want to visit, and things I want to try, but also photos that create an overall aesthetic of how I want my year to go. Simple photos of nature or a coffee cup, for example, can all be added together to create a color palette or an example of a lifestyle that you want to emulate for the next year. In this way, Pinterest is almost like creating an art collage.

I think that a big difference between Pinterest and Instagram is that Instagram creates more comparison and can have more negativity associated with it, but Pinterest feels like an artistic way to visualize things that you want in your life and put photos together to help yourself see that. It’s so personal in this way, and something that you can do once a year to create your vision board or every day to add on new ideas, and neither way is incorrect. Another fun step that I like to do each year is to add my own photos to my yearly vision board at the end of the year as a way to see what I originally wanted to achieve vs. what I actually achieved and how those things line up.

I always encourage creating vision boards through Pinterest and taking advantage of how creative the platform can be especially if you enjoy goal-setting! For a low-stress social media platform, Pinterest is the way to go.

Connect with Emily on Linkedin here

3 thoughts on “The Art of Pinterest Vision Boards

  1. I think Pinterest is one of my favorite social media sites. It is so easy to use and you can easily create different boards for different ideas that you have. I think one reason Pinterest is more fun over other social media sites is the fact that you’re not usually posting for an audience. It’s more about finding inspiration and less of a comparison factor.

  2. I find Pinterest to be a great source of creative inspiration, especially for my interests in fashion and photography. Your point about the contrast between Pinterest and Instagram on the matter of comparison is insightful. Personally, I view Pinterest more as a creative tool for myself rather than a traditional social media platform like Instagram.

  3. Hi! I love Pinterest, and I feel like it is not appreciated enough. I use Pinterest as a way to get new ideas. I love creating boards for certain aesthetics or moods, and it is great to be able to look back on or reference. It is low stakes which makes it relaxing and fun to use. I hope more brands start to use it in the future!

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