On Monday, January 13th we had our Twitter day for the J480/580 Strategic Social Media class. The topics discussed during class included the properties of networked publics, how they play into real life, the diffusion of innovation and its adoption profiles, and the Uses and Gratifications Theory.
Our tweets comprised of quick summaries of points made about those topics, relevant quotes from the assigned reading, follow-up articles to examples discussed in class, and questions derived from ideas introduced during lecture. We noticed that the tweets that were highlighting points were being seen, but not necessarily interacted with. So, Trevor started tweeting out polls with questions that were interesting and relevant to the conversation. Once we noticed this was encouraging much more engagement, we continued to use that strategy. Overall, the tweets that asked for an open-ended response did not garner much from classmates, but the polls that we put out that only required clicking a button did get at least some response and interaction. One idea for future live tweeters would be to potentially incorporate gifs in order to try and make it a little more fun and lighthearted in order to encourage participation from the class.
Emily (@catchuptoemily) was our most engaged user, as she was tweeting to us as well as tweeting #sojcssm with just her own ideas. We sat in the back and were able to see if other students were actually using Twitter during the class, many of which were. However, for most, it wasn’t a constant reading but more of a check-in here and there. We have included screenshots below of some of the different types of tweets that were sent out during class.