March 31, 2025

30 Reasons You Should Get Excited For In Person Events Coming Back

by Kendall Piggins

I want to be an event planner. Not only because I love creatively organizing and planning in general, but because I love the result of attendees leaving with their cheeks sore from laughing, smiling, and with memories to last a lifetime. Event planners have obviously had to get pretty creative since COVID-19 started to spread. BUT, people are getting the vaccine, the amount of confirmed cases is decreasing, and events are on their way to a new normal. There are fewer things in this world that makes me happier than seeing people happy from something that I put my passion, time and energy into. I am clearly enthusiastic about the near future of events. A lot of us have forgotten what it’s like to be in a crowd. Here are a few reminders of what to look forward to:

  1. You’ll be able to hug people you missed.
  2. You’ll be able to hug people you just met.
  3. You’ll be able to hype people up in a dance circle.
  4. You’ll be able to get hyped up in the center of a dance circle.
  5. You’ll be able to kiss your best friends.
  6. You’ll be able to kiss a stranger.
  7. You’ll be able to spend too much money on a bad cocktail.
  8. You’ll be able to sing badly and loudly to your favorite song in a crowd.
  9. You’ll be able to wake up in the morning with your ears still buzzing from standing too close to the speakers.
  10. You’ll be able to meet new friends (networking!).
  11. You’ll be able to meet new creeps and come up with creative ways to avoid them for the rest of the night.
  12. You’ll be able to see a sea of smiling strangers when someone giving a speech says something funny or when a good song comes on.
  13. You’ll be able to say, “I’m never doing that again” and fully intend on doing it again tomorrow.
  14. You’ll be able to laugh at yourself for your bad dance moves.
  15. You’ll be able to cry from happiness for returning to human interaction.
  16. You’ll be able to get sad when that person you thought was cute doesn’t pay enough attention to you.
  17. You’ll be able to get nervous when that person you though was cute comes to talk to you.
  18. You’ll be able to wear your wristband from the 2-day music festival you went to for 2 months.
  19. You’ll be able to listen to the videos you took of your night the next morning, and delete them all from your social media stories because you can’t hear anything but you singing badly to the song playing in the background.
  20. You’ll be able to say, “I have nothing to wear.” while looking at a closet of clothes.
  21. You’ll be able to wait in line to pee.
  22. You’ll be able to avoid your ex.
  23. You’ll be able to ask, “How was your quarantine?” to every person you talk to.
  24. You’ll be able to get uncomfortable when you forget how to make small talk.
  25. You’ll be able to go to a concert for the main performer and leave as a bigger fan of the opener.
  26. You’ll be able to get those steps in.
  27. You’ll be able to come home with free swag from companies promoting their business and/or products.
  28. You’ll be able to be inspired when you listen to a great speaker or hear a new story.
  29. You’ll be able to see your favorite artists, comedians and speakers live again.
  30. You’ll be able to feel that specific joy that only comes from being with the people you love.

6 thoughts on “30 Reasons You Should Get Excited For In Person Events Coming Back

  1. Hey Kendall,

    Super cool to see someone like yourself so enthusiastic about event planning! I could not be more excited myself for concerts and live events to come back!

  2. 30 reasons!? This is amazing. Made my day and so excited for the future! Especially within the Public Relations industry.

  3. Hi Kendall, love the 30 reasons! I cannot wait to start having things in person again and got me really excited reading this post!

  4. I have to say you presented an insightful post with 30 impactful different reasons. Event planning is a complex market to work in but to be able to combat against the pandemic and try to still present insightful ways shows commitment, thanks for the read.

  5. Hi Kendall! I loved reading this. It’s been so great to have things back in person again and reading these reasons reminded me that I should be a little more thankful for it. Great post!

  6. Hi Kendall! I love that you are into event planning because that is something that I have thought about once or twice. It seems like such an energetic and enthusiastic job. I am as well very excited for in person events coming back. Great Job!

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